Thank you to the students that attended the BTV fall seminar session! We had so much fun!!
Totally enjoyed our time with you all and I want to thank everyone that helped out at the seminar, Don, Flo and my helped make it a fantastic time and just couldn't have done it without all your help! {squeezes} Want to thank the caretakers of the Community Center (Bill, Pat and Alysen) for all of their help (you all were wonderful and we appreciate your wonderful care of the center!). Thank you Miss Flo and Miss Phyllis for your homemade always, awesome! (Flo, that pumpkin pie - outta sight!)
Here are some photos from the weekend and again, my heart is full of treasured memories...I just had so much fun with you all and {hope} you also did!! Teaching is so rewarding, I love my job!! :) I wasn't going to have a home seminar series next year, but was quickly talked out of that! :) Stay tuned on the website for more information...
Enjoy the various pics from the will see Mr. Don (Valhalla), Miss Flo, Miss Phyllis and Miss Marolyn (our awesome seminar helpers!!). You will see Miss Phyllis posing with the beautiful rendition of the Christmastime 6 bear she was will see some of the students posing with their Snowmen pieces (before we were finished, just fyi)...they all did a wonderful job!!
One can never have too many hugs.... xoxoxo
Some of the girls painted a pin to win one of two $25 gift certificates! They were all pretty and creative in my opinion, good job girls. :)
Again, my thanks to everyone that came to the seminar....{hugs} to you all!
xo, Jamie